In the 21st century, illusion is the new reality . . .
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Gladio panel

THIS presentation is the result of my inquiry into the "terrorist attacks" of March 15, 2019, in Christchurch, New Zealand. The page will be updated whenever new material comes to hand, or whenever old material is discounted. I will, however, retain most abandoned theories, as even misconceptions have something to tell us. As I said when I first addressed the issue of the "shootings", I am doing this because I do not trust the New Zealand Government to tell us the truth. The Government's prime aim is to control the narrative, and to silence dissent with threats of savage punishment (See Footnote). If it is now dismayed by all the speculation surrounding the Christchurch events, it has only itself to blame. Secrecy creates a vacuum that speculation will always fill. That's because human beings have an irrepressible desire — and, indeed, a duty — to search and understand. The original website was constructed in April 2019, and was last updated on April 16, 2024. A pdf copy of this page, as it was on December 2, 2019, is here. The last capture by WaybackMachine, on December 14, 2022, is here.

The introductory paragraphs immediately below were written in November 2023, and replace the introduction of 2019. By 2022, this had been overtaken by events, and was no longer entirely relevant. I have, however, reposted it here, after retaining the link to the series of pictures of "shooting survivors" with indeterminate "injuries" to their left arms (see here). One of my readers, in a post on Twitter, has noted that I quote Greg Hallett, and has suggested that, in doing so, I have compromised my credibility. But my purpose is not to advance any particular opinion on any aspect of the Christchurch "shootings", but to record all dissenting opinions of interest. I also quote Max Igan, who is not always the most astute observer — as Peekay points out in this video at Finally, I would like to reiterate that no conclusions are drawn on the question of whether or not anyone was killed on March 15, 2019, or during the days that led up to that date, since deaths and/or disappearances could have occurred in unknown circumstances. See Why I Now Believe the New Zealand Event Was a Complete Hoax With Zero Dead, by Kurt Haskell, for more information and analysis in this regard. — Basil Throckmorton. Email: nolies (at) Messages may be published on the "About" page.   Site Map

Fuck White Supremacy

In the wake of Christchurch, whitey is the new bête noire — lower than even a cockroach. Needless to say, this is hate speech. It's also incitement. But it's acceptable in the emerging imperium, because it comes from the liberal Left.

White supremacist as sewer rat

Hero Jacinda Ardern visits Adeeb Sami in hospital

The past few years have been the most divisive in Western society since the Reformation of the 16th century, even as the banner of "inclusivity" has been hoisted higher and higher. Also noticeable, in this era of "identity politics", is the insidious erosion of middle ground, which has driven even the dispassionate observer to one extreme or the other.

"Fuck white supremacy," the above sign reads, priming the mind for the subsequent assertion (below) that "all white Australians" — and, by extension, "whites" throughout the world — should shoulder some of the blame for the massacre at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on March 15, 2019.

But was there a massacre, or even a shooting, at Al Noor Mosque? Did anyone die, or suffer more than a scratch, in the event recorded by the GoPro camera of alleged shooter Brenton Tarrant?

The question is even more pertinent in the case of the Linwood Islamic Center event. In a video that has never been officially acknowledged, we see an amateurish simulation of the aftermath of a terrorist attack. Crisis actors walk around, feign injuries, and wail theatrically, while others watch. It was made with a smartphone and uploaded to a porn site on March 14 — the night before Tarrant's alleged rampage.

Jacinda Ardern for Nobel Prize Visitors to this website are invited to scroll down and examine the collection of photographs of allegedly wounded worshipers being transported to, or arriving at, the local hospital. There isn't a spot of blood on any of them. Likewise, "shooting victims" supposedly lying in hospital beds are not connected to monitoring equipment, and have no visible injuries. Most are shown smiling happily, surrounded by well-wishers. In one case — that of Mustafa Boztaş — a left arm that shows no sign of injury in hospital is bandaged at a subsequent commemorative event. Like several of the other "victims", he sits in a wheelchair with a blanket draped over his lap — to emphasize his invalid status.

Another prominent "victim", Adeeb Sami, said his experience on March 15 was "like being in a movie". He laughed so much, and so hysterically, one suspects his handlers had to tell him to shut up. At any rate, we don't hear from him these days. There is more about Adeeb Sami in the section below on Al Noor "shooting" anomalies, and on a dedicated page here. Other "survivors" with dedicated pages are Zulfirman Syah, Mohamed Jama, Taj Mohammad Kamran, Tarik Chenafa, Sheikh Hasan Rubel, and Temel Ataçocuğu. The faces of 49 of the 51 alleged fatalities are here, on the cover of the issue of Woman's Day for April 1, 2019. The BBC's list of alleged fatalities is here, and Newshub's list of alleged fatalities is here.

All whites to blame

Poor whitey! As the iniquity of the fathers is visited upon the sons, he must forever cry "mea culpa". And doubly cursed is he who also carries the burden of "toxic masculinity". He had better go, cap in hand, and seek admission to the "rainbow community".

Ardern as Jesus and Jabcinda

So what was the purpose of this subterfuge? The answer, this website suggests, is the same as it was at the time of the incident's precursors — the terrorist attacks of Operation Gladio between the 1950s and 1980s: To maintain a "strategy of tension" and to make people amenable to the loss of their civil liberties.

Specifically, in the case of the Christchurch "attack", pretexts were needed for:

• The confiscation of semi-automatic weapons, i.e. the means of self-defence. This is the prime aim of the architects of the New World Order, which envisages total control of the population by a technocratic elite;

• The wholesale censorship of the social media (via the "Christchurch Call"). Unrestricted communication between citizens, which leads to the rise of viewpoints at odds with the official propaganda, is anathema to the elite.

The perpetrators of the Christchurch false-flag operation probably also hoped:

• To co-opt the Muslim community. In this regard, it's worth noting that Al Noor Mosque — now portrayed in the press as an oasis of peace and light — has a long history of Salafism (Islamic fundamentalism) and bitter infighting;

Helen Clark as witch • To catapult the relatively unknown Jacinda Ardern on to the world stage as a new type of "empathetic" leader who espouses "kindness" and demonstratively embraces bereaved widows. Most observers expect her to end up in a sinecure at the UN, which is where her mentor, former prime minister Helen Clark, found her final perch.

The last objective was certainly achieved, though Ardern lost her luster at home after the imposition of lockdown and vaccine mandates during the draconian "Covid response" of 2020-22. During this period, 11,000 health care staff in "critical" health services were granted exemptions from the Covid "vaccine" that lesser mortals were coerced to take.

Drone victims radicalized at mosque

The link — albeit oblique — to the Balkan wars of the 1990s is not as surprising as it might seem (see below). The take-home message from the conflict in the former Yugoslavia was "Muslim Bosniak/Kosovar=Good; Christian Serb=Bad", which is similar to the take-home message of Christchurch, after decades of denigration of Islam in New Zealand. Thus, the Christchurch event was a cultural-political coup — a radical reversal of precedent — as much as it was a "terrorist attack". Incongruously, it has also seen local Muslims embrace the wishy-washy gospel of John Lennon: "All you need is love." See the cover of Woman's Weekly, April 1, 2019.

Serbian flag Веза – иако посредно – са ратовима на Балкану 1990-их (види испод) није тако изненађујућа како се чини. Порука за понети из сукоба у бившој Југославији је била „Муслимани Босанци/Косовари=Добри; Хришћански Срби=Лоши“, што је слично поруци за понети из Крајстерча, након деценија клеветанја Ислама на Новом Зеланду. Према томе Крајстчерч је чак био културно-политички државни удар – радикално поништаванје преседана – колико је и био „терористички напад“. Непосредно, такође је виђено како локални Муслимани невољно прихватају јеванђеље Џона Ленона: „Све што вам треба је љубав.“ Погледајте насловницу Woman's Weekly-ја.

Don't ask for answers: Lips are sealed in the Garden City

Someone would talk 1

Irecently bumped into an old acquaintance — a retired District Court judge.
"What are you doing these days?" he asked.
"Well, among other things, I'm investigating that mosque shooting hoax in Christchurch," I replied.
"Hoax?" he said, making a face of mock bewilderment that was presumably intended to throw me off balance.
"Yes, hoax," I said. "Just look at their testimonies . . ."
"I'm looking at testimonies all the time," he shot back. But then, before I had a chance to suggest he also look at the "live stream", he changed the subject.

That's about as far as any conversation about the Christchurch "shooting" goes. Any questioning of the official narrative elicits either an embarrassed silence or a spirited defence of it and a suggestion one speak to some of the "survivors" of the "shooting", or to doctors and nurses who treated them. (I have tried to contact knowledgeable people in Christchurch, without success.)

I'm convinced that, even if all the anomalies in the official narrative were publicly revealed, most people would still believe that, essentially, the narrative remained true — just as they still believe a man in a cave in the mountains of Afghanistan did 9/11.

Someone would talk 2 • Another common riposte to any claim of a widespread cover-up is that "someone would have talked". But would they, after signing a non-disclosure agreement and being warned of the severe consequences of letting any secrets slip? In the case of the Christchurch crisis actors, these consequences could include loss of immigration status, imprisonment and deportation, ostracism by family and community, loss of job and livelihood, and loss of the many thousands of dollars that have flowed to the "victims" of the alleged shootings since March 15, 2019. They may have also been assured that the outpouring of sympathy that would inevitably follow the "unprecedented atrocity" would give a tremendous boost to status of Islam in New Zealand. And finally, they may have been told by their imam that their "taqiyya" (sinful act for a pious goal) would be acceptable in the eyes of the Almighty. This, if true, would represent a serious misreading of the tenets of Islam.

Russ Winter • Russ Winter addresses the contentious issue of why “thousands of people don’t come forward” with information after staged deceptions in this article from his news and analysis website, Winter Watch. Elsewhere on his website, Winter writes: "The reason staged deceptions are preferred — meaning not involving real deaths or a limited number of deaths — is primarily because real victims or their survivors go off the rails and can’t be controlled. Real false flags with real death gets very messy, whereas staged deceptions can be precisely directed and manipulated." See here.

News of Nov 1, 2023: Police release Al-Noor CCTV footage

Paramedics are escorted into Al Noor Mosque

If the police have this footage, and if it's genuine, they must also have footage of the "shooter" entering Al Noor — even if, as researchers maintain, the "live stream" was made in advance of March 15, 2019, and edited before being released. The screenshot shows paramedics being escorted into the mosque on March 15.

Aya and Hussein Al-Umari Meanwhile, the testimony of Aya Al-Umari, sister of "shooting victim" Hussein Al-Umari, has raised several questions. She claims — in the words of a NewsHub report from December 3, 2023 — she "fought", from "early on", to "see the CCTV of her brother's [heroic] actions inside Al Noor that day". One wonders how many CCTV systems the mosque had installed. Was there a camera in the prayer hall, in addition to the one above the entrance to the mosque? Was there also one in the hallway? Why was Aya so anxious to see this footage, when the "live stream" of the "gunman", which can be viewed on the internet, is purportedly an accurate representation of what happened in the mosque that day? And most crucial of all: If the CCTV footage provides more than a different perspective, and is in fundamental disagreement with the "live stream", how does one account for such a discrepancy? Click to read the article.

Official narrative flies in the face of core Islamic practice


While searching for anomalies in the official narrative of March 15, it's easy to overlook the violations of Islamic practice in the presentation of the drama. So let's put aside the issues of timelines, weapons, ballistics, etc., and examine the story from the perspective of the Sunnah:

1. The service — the main service of the week (Salat al-Jumu'ah) — starts when the imam says, "Dear brothers and sisters..." (According to Adeeb Sami, this is the moment he also hears the first shots being fired.)

2. Less than a minute before the service starts, two members of the congregation (Mohamed Jama and an unidentified woman) are observed loitering on the public footpath outside the mosque.

3. Between one and four members of the congregation are loitering in or near the entrance to the mosque. (See the evidence of the "live stream" and the pre-sentencing summary of "the facts" of the case by Justice Cameron Mander.)

This situation is almost inconceivable. By the time of such a service, all members of the congregation are either:

1. Sitting in rows on the floor of the prayer hall (musallā), having completed their ritual ablution (wudu) and short, personal "prayer of greeting the mosque" (Tahiyyat al-Masjid, which consists of two raka'at or cycles of prayer), or

2. Wasting no time in completing the above ablution and prayer, since no one wants to be left behind.

One simply does not find people hanging around outside the musallā, gossiping or greeting late arrivals with "Hello" or any other similar phrase in English, while the Salat al-Jumu'ah is already in progress. This is not permissible in Islam.

Man praying in the wrong direction? Note, too, that there appears to have been an unusually large number of late arrivals that day, including the two men in the Argyle Motel carpark who are fired at by the "gunman" while he is driving away from the mosque and the entire Bangladeshi cricket team. The cricketers were later described as being "traumatized" by the incident.

Farid Ahmed — the man in the wheelchair — must also be classified as a "late arrival" (or non-attendee), as the "live stream" clearly shows he is not present in the musallā. Farid Ahmed in wheelchair This fact immediately raises two questions: (1) If his wife took or accom-
panied him to the masjid, why didn't she ensure he was safely inside — especially if, as we are told, she was present in the women's room when the "attack" began? (2) Why did she — according to the official narrative — return to the masjid, after assisting the evacuation of women, to look for her husband, when she must have known he wasn't there? Additional questions might be: (1) Why was her "body" found some distance down Deans Avenue, when the official narrative states she was shot while re-entering the masjid? This body, dressed in pink, must be her body, as there were officially only two female casualties at Al Noor, and the other "body" has been formally identified as that of Ansi Alibava. (2) Why does Ansi Alibava's "body", when photographed a short time after the "attack", have only a tube or pipe protruding from the torso, in the place of her head and long black hair? And what is wrong with her emaciated right arm?

Two dummies outside Al Noor

Left: The "body" of Husna Ahmed, which was found about 20 meters from the mosque compound's side gate. Right: The "body" of Ansi Alibava, which was found in the gutter at the entrance to the alley in which the "gunman" parked his car. Earlier, while the "gunman" was exiting the mosque for the second and last time, he "fired" at two women in black who were walking through the side gate and on to the public footpath. These are, presumably, the two women pictured above, as no other women are seen in the "live stream". One wonders, therefore, why one of them is now dressed in pink. Muslim convert Nathan Smith is seen "comforting" Ansi's "body", after apparently failing to notice it no longer has a head. Needless to say, he would not have been allowed to do this after a real crime, and the police standing around (but not fully visible in this picture) would have immediately cordoned off the area. The fake blood in the gutter is from a blood squib that discharged when the alleged gunman fired at "Ansi" as she pleaded (in a dubbed-in voice), "Help me! Help me!" — while she still had a head. Finally, it should be noted that when Ansi did have a head, she was not wearing hijab — a little odd for a woman who had, one assumes, just left the masjid. Finally, if the above "Ansi" is a dummy, where is the real Ansi?
Note: Ansi Alibava's case is revisited in greater depth below, in the third section on anomalies.

An outline of events related to March 15 in Christchurch

AFTER each item that has a bearing on the events of March 15, I have made a comment in bold face. Throughout this presentation, I have supported my arguments with pictures from various sources, which include, ironically, the Facebook page of Al Noor Mosque. In some instances, I have placed a series of photographs, illustrating a particular person or topic, on a subsidiary page. I have also placed some less important pictures here, and some pictures of the petitions launched after the alleged attacks here.   Site Map

Bullet Earlier in the month, on March 5-6, a conference for crisis management teams, called "CrisisX: The Readiness Conference", was held at the SkyCity Convention Centre, Auckland. See here for pictures of the conference. — Of possible relevance.

Bullet Tellingly, on March 15, a police training exercise/counter-terrorism drill is under way in Christchurch. — As soon as I heard this, I thought, "Oh, Oh, here we go again!" This was the scenario on July 22, 2011, when Anders Breivik allegedly killed a total of 77 people in Norway. The newspaper Aftenposten later commented: "Police had barely finished their training before what they had trained for became reality." Let us not forget, too, that the "terrorist attacks" of 9/11 were preceded by a simulation and at least one drill with a similar scenario. Likewise, the COVID-19 "plandemic" was preceded by Event 201 — "a tabletop exercise that simulated a global pandemic, which resulted from a new coronavirus. The program was hosted in October [2019] by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum". (Source: Simpsons predict 9/11 The "plandemic" was also foreshadowed in The Eyes of Darkness, a 1996 novel by Dean Koontz; in a Rockefeller Foundation report that was published in May 2010; in an opening-ceremony event at the London Olympics of 2012, and on the cover of Madonna's Madam X album in June 2019. More recently, we find The Exposé asking on December 3, 2023: "...why does United States Government data show that the Depart
ment of Defense (DoD) awarded a cont-
ract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?" Also remarkable is the way in which The Economist in 2012 appeared to foretell the Hamas paraglider attack on Israel of 2023.

• Predictive programming and timeline issues are further discussed, in relation to Linwood Islamic Center, here.

Panel from Chronicles of False Flag Terror

The illustration on the left is a panel from the back cover of Chronicles of False Flag Terror, by Nick Kollerstrom, 2017, Moon Rock Books. — The counter-terrorism drill that morphs into "reality" is a striking phenomenon of the 21st century — and one that Kollerstrom describes as an intelligence test for the alert onlooker. Click
here to listen to the relevant part of the Radio 5 Live Drivetime interview, in which Peter Power, the managing director of crisis management
firm Visor Consultants, talks to Peter Allen.

• Just two more bizarre coincidences?

Police arrest suspect during training exercise

• Some observers, after noting that the police officers flip the above figure like a rag doll, have suggested that it is a dummy. If it isn't, why has the face been blurred? Click here to see an enlargement of the picture, in which the face is clearer, and here to read the Free Thought Project's NZ Police "Happened to Be in a Training Session When Mosque Shooting Began. There is also a video in which the presence of "global sharpshooters" in Christchurch is discussed. Meanwhile, I would like to ask my credulous reader: How many times does this "coincidence" have to occur before you finally smell a rat? When the "training exercise" runs seamlessly into the "terrorist attack", as it does in this case, does it take an IQ of 150 to see that something is not quite right? Isn't it time we all woke up to what Peter Levenda has described as "the tenuousness of consensus reality"?

Click to play Hell of a Coincidence video

Bullet The training exercise involves the local hospital. — Fact. "It's reported the officers were training on an unused floor at Princess Margaret Hospital on Friday morning. When the shooting began they were still there, but had firearms and patrol cars parked outside" (Newshub, March 21, 2019). In "Christchurch Decoded? A ‘Lone Gunman’ — or a Stealthy Coup d’État in Slow Motion?", Steve ‘Snoopman’ Edwards says there were two other exercises that day — "a military exercise at a Defence Force shooting range in West Melton, 25 kilometers west of the city, and a joint Air Force exercise out of RNZAF Base Woodbourne, near Blenheim". Snoopman's two-part article is here.

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Bullet Hospital staff are told to expect a realistic scene, with armed police running around, ambulances coming and going, etc. — Conjecture, but in line with the known modus operandi of the perpetrators of false-flag terrorist attacks/hoaxes. Cf. the "Boston bombing" and the "Parkland school shooting".

Bullet The "terrorist" enters the drama. He is identified as Brenton Harrison Tarrant, a 28-year-old Australian who was raised in Grafton, north of Sydney. He is said to be currently living in Dunedin. — Fact. However, Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff, writing in The Millennium Report, March 18, says Tarrant's age has been confirmed as 42.

Bullet Brenton Tarrant is, or was, a real person. — Fact. Click here to see him as a child, and here to see him as a high school student, and here to see him as a young adult in what looks like North Korea.

Bullet Early reports of more than one person being involved in the day's "shootings", and of "several IEDs attached to cars" (source: Police Commissioner Mike Bush), are forgotten. The preference is always for the simple, straightforward story of the "lone wolf". No conspiracies, please. — Fact. Update, December 20, 2020: Facebook post from Ross McArthur via Richard Prosser and Kelvin Alp: "My comment in the media today: Ok, I’m just going to come out & say it. As a senior manager in a Govt dept at the time, & having been involved in handling part of the Govt response on the day of the shooting, I was read into the findings and included in the debrief. The Head of Dept that ran our debrief stated the following: 'I’ve just come from the Beehive debrief with the PM & I think it’s now safe to tell you, as it will come out in the court case, there were multiple shooters. Two flew out afterwards.' What our HoD hadn’t considered was that, by pleading guilty, Tarrant avoided any testimony, so the disclosure never eventuated. Interestingly, there were around 60 managers & senior staff in the room for this debrief, yet the revelation has stayed secret. (It’s amazing what people will do to keep a high-paying [job] &/or Govt role isn’t it?) I resigned so I wasn’t muzzled." .

The rainbow is rooted in darkness banner

Bullet Tarrant is of quasi-Jewish descent. — Fact. His family emigrated from Palestine in 1948, going first to Britain, then to New Zealand, and finally to Australia. They reportedly gained Australian citizenship in 1970. Veterans Today says (March 28, 2019) it has seen Arabic documents that place Tarrrant's family in Palestine in 1948. See here and here.

Bullet Tarrant has spent time in Israel. — Fact. "A senior Israeli immigration official said Brenton Tarrant arrived in the country from Turkey on October 25 [2016] using his Australian passport..." — Times of Israel. He reportedly stayed for nine days. But according to other reports, believed to be from Russian military intelligence, there were also longer visits, during which he received military training. His task, according to these reports, was to have been the assassination of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It's therefore reasonable to assume that the Israelis financed at least some of Tarrant's travels. Other funding could have come from an inheritance when his father died — as some investigators have suggested. Yet another possibility is that he was somehow able to obtain compensation as a "Holocaust survivor". One can discount the claim he made his money through Bitconnect, as this was a scam. Update, December 14, 2020: The report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019, released on December 8, 2020, contains more detailed information on Tarrant's movements and funding. See here for press coverage of the report. See here for an enlargement of the commission's map of Tarrant's travels.

Bullet Tarrant has also spent time in Pakistan, which he loves. Fact. "Pakistan is an incredible place filled with the most earnest, kind hearted and hospitable people in the world." — Tarrant's post on the Facebook page of Osho Thang on October 23, 2018. Osho Thang is a Shia-run hotel in Nagar Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan, an administrative territory of Pakistan. Anyone seeking further information on Tarrant's travels will find numerous websites, each giving a slightly different account — including details of forays into Syria's Idlib and Daraa governorates to liaise with Al-Nusra/ISIS fighters. No doubt much of Tarrant's personal history is untrue, if only because of what it omits. As some observers have noted, one of the "requirements" for the job of "lone-wolf" terrorist/assassin (or patsy) is a murky, ideologically conflicted background.   Site Map

Tarrant's Facebook post

Bullet Tarrant is NOT a racist. — Conjecture, but a reasonable assumption in view of his wide travels and praise for Pakistan and its people. If he is a racist, he is idiosyncratic in this respect. Anyone reading his comments about Pakistan must wonder: Is this the person who seethes with disgust at the sight of Pakistani "invaders" in Europe? Gordon Duff describes him as a sociopath, i.e. a person who lacks empathy. But how does that description square with his evident appreciation of kind-heartedness? In my opinion, Tarrant is probably little more than an (expendable) operative like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Bullet Tarrant is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra. — Allegation made by Gordon Duff in The Millennium Report, March 18, 2019, but in line with precedent. Anders Breivik, one of Tarrant's putative heroes, was a member of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons, and some of those behind the terrorism of Operation Gladio — what I generally refer to as Gladio I — were members of the P2 Masonic Lodge in Italy. (Aside: Members of P2, many of whom were former Blackshirts, wore black robes and addressed each other as "Friar". They were implicated in the murder of Roberto Calvi, "God's banker", who was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982.) Writing in Cairns News, March 20, 2019, Duff describes the Masonic Forum as a "satanic cult".

Bullet In the "shooter's live-stream" — as the "shooter" sits in his car, which he has inexplicably parked at 3:04 — the camera is turned to show what purports to be Tarrant's face. This looks as though it could have been superimposed on the video frame(s). It appears to be floating, and is, in the opinion of some viewers, too far forward of the body. It is also strangely elongated, possibly as a result of a technical problem or of some jiggery-pokery with the image. Viewers will also notice that there is the barest hint of a neck. So the picture doesn't conclusively establish who the driver of the car is. It also raises the question: Why did the "shooter" feel the need to identify himself in this way? — Conjecture, but plausible in this age of photoshopping.

Real and faked: The various faces of Brenton Tarrant

Brenton Tarrant

Tarrant could not have been made to look more menacing. One is reminded of how pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald were doctored to make him look rattish. Note, too, how the alleged killer is invariably representative of a target population group. Oswald was a "Communist". Sirhan Sirhan, the alleged assassin of RFK, was a Palestinian. Other killers have been representative of "radical Islam", and have helpfully emphasized their identity by shouting "Allahu akbar".

Bullet The person who is eventually arrested for the alleged crimes is probably Tarrant, but possibly not the "Tarrant" shown driving the car (as we saw above). In other words, the real Tarrant could be a patsy: someone who willingly participated in the drama, without realizing the full extent of the role that was ultimately going to be assigned to him. There are several possibilities. There also could have been some degree of mind control, along the lines of MKUltra. According to Marc Delantre, who is described as a former Mossad agent, "Gladio [controls] their mind through nano-implants. No need [for] any surgery. Any individual can get them through nano/smart dusts...justice will talk to him, but in reality they will talk to Gladio." Tarrant as saint (In other words, the Christchurch event could be a harbinger of political crime in the transhumanist future.) Shortly before the "live-stream" ends, at 16.50, "Tarrant" himself admits he has taken "five Xanax" — a panic and anxiety suppressant. Regardless of all this, the defendant will be tried and convicted as Tarrant. After that — whatever happens to him — he will not be heard from again. — Much of this is conjecture, but is plausible. The pictures below are from the defendant's court appearance on March 16, 2019, when he pleaded not guilty. In striking contrast to the screenshot above, they show a man with a round face. But until June 14, 2019, the courtroom face was blurred or pixelated by the mainstream media at the request of the judge.   Site Map

Tarrant in dock

The initial blurring of Tarrant's face opened the door to speculation, and to at least one spurious representation of him — as American comedian Sam Hyde (see below right). Apparently, Hyde's head is often grafted on to the bodies of criminals.

Tarrant at sentencing and as Sam Hyde

Yet another face is the face in the rear-view mirror as "Tarrant" turns into the alley beside Al Noor Mosque, after almost missing the turn indicated by the presence of "pit-stop man" - a figure wearing a red jumpsuit (see below).

Mystery of the "mosque shooter's" idle minute explained

Bullet As we have seen, "Tarrant" breaks his drive to Al Noor Mosque when he suddenly parks beside the road for no discernible reason. Then, after exactly one minute, a person in red walks past his car. Ten seconds later, "Tarrant" drives off. Some investigators say this person in red is "Tarrant's" handler (or one of his handlers). The person's red clothing signals, "Everything is on schedule. It's okay to proceed". Investigators have also noted the presence of red cars parked along Tarrant's route, including one that is parked immediately outside the mosque, and have theorized that these are "markers". The final okay for the mission comes after "Tarrant" parks in the alley beside the mosque, facing the road. A man in a white shirt and dark trousers walks past the alley, turns slightly, and gives a thumbs-up signal. — An alternative explanation, which I think is less plausible, is that the man is simply acknowledging "Tarrant's" presence.

Figure in red 1
A figure in red walks past the car at 4.08. Figures in red were also used as markers during the Melbourne car attack of
January 20, 2017.

Kurt Haskell Bullet One investigator who fully appreciates the significance of the "red markers" is Kurt Haskell, the American lawyer who revealed that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (the "Underwear Bomber") was allowed to board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in Amsterdam on December 25, 2009, without a passport. Another such investigator, who says he has also conducted a frame-by-frame analysis of what purports to be the shooter's live-stream, is Max Igan — an Australian activist who fled to Mexico in 2021. "This was not a lone wolf shooting by a white supremacist," he writes. "This was an organized hit using multiple players as clearly seen and evidenced by the shooter's own video. Jacinda Ardern is a liar and the people of New Zealand are being disarmed under false pretenses — and it's happening so fast because the Government is terrified of what will happen if the people find out . . . People simply do not realize how well they have been prepped for this event." But unlike Haskell — and, indeed, all other impartial investigators — Igan believes the "shooting" is real, and that people actually died. — I think Haskell's analysis is sounder than Igan's. I don't think anyone died, or was even wounded, in the "shooting" shown in the "live stream". But as I said above, I think it's possible that people died or (more likely) disappeared in the days leading up to March 15, 2019. (For other possibilities, see my old intro at I have occasionally read that Daoud Nabi — widely described as the "mosque greeter" — died of natural causes some days before 3/15, and was posthumously "assigned" to the role of "greeter". I have no opinion on this claim. There is more info about Nabi at

Figure in red 2
His task complete, "pit-stop man" walks off into the sunset. The alleged shooter enters the alley beside the mosque, and in-
advertently gives us a glimpse of his face in the rear-view mirror. Is this the face of Brenton Tarrant?

<am in white shirt gives thumbs-up

A rousing rendition of Serbia Strong tops Tarrant's playlist
The singer, Zeljko Grmusa, has said he "feels threatened", and that he wonders whether the police "will now knock on my door". He says he still sings, but mainly at social celebrations.

According to some commentators, the words of this song, popularly known as "Remove Kebab", constitute "hate speech". But assuming the translation from Serbian is accurate, there is nothing more sinister in it than a warning that the Ustaše (Croatian nationalist organization) and "Turks" (presumably the Bosnian Muslims) should "watch out". During World War I, when Serbia was on "our" side, it was portrayed as "plucky little Serbia", an outpost of Western civilization. But since the Balkan wars of the 1990s, it has been depicted as a hotbed of genocidal maniacs. That prejudice — and the fact that Tarrant played the song while driving to Al Noor Mosque — is why it was banned by YouTube for a while. Above is the original version.

The identifiable items played by Tarrant are as follows (in order): Serbia Strong, British Grenadiers Fife & Drum, Fallschirmjager remix (old version), Arthur Brown's Fire (see below) and Gas Gas Gas by Manuel. The only other sounds heard inside Al Noor, apart from the repeated firing of Tarrant's replica airgun, are sepulchral groans. There is no shouting, screaming, sound of things being hit or broken, or sound of people running and trying to escape. There is also no gore, and little (fake) blood. Nevertheless, most New Zealand viewers profess to find the scene realistic.

• According to Stuff, the "gunman" had attached an audio speaker to the front of his "tactical vest".

Click here to return to the previous mention of Serbia Strong. Then continue to scroll down.

After the martial overture, the drama of the century begins...

Listener blurb about Mohamed Jama

And in the words of Mohamed Jama himself, speaking as Abdul-Aziz, of Linwood Islamic Center fame, works his phone in the background:

Mohamed Jama tells his fanciful story, Part 1

Mohamed Jama tells his fanciful story, Part 2

Bullet The only problem is that the "live stream" of the "attack" on Al Noor Mosque clearly shows that there was no interaction between Jama and the "gunman", and that no shot was fired at Jama or in his vicinity.

Mohamed Jama tells how he paated the gunman on the back After taking a replica shotgun from the trunk of his car (see inset below) — in addition to the replica AR-15, equipped with a strobe light, which he is already carrying — the "gunman" walks down the footpath towards Jama and the unidentified woman.

As the "gunman" approaches him, Jama turns slightly to see who is coming — but does not react to the sight of an armed man wearing military gear and a helmet with a GoPro camera attached to it.

Also remarkable is the fact the "gunman" — who will later shoot at almost anything that moves — totally ignores Jama and the woman, who are obviously Muslims. They are two of the "loiterers" mentioned above, who would have been inside the mosque if there really had been a service about to begin.

Readers will find a video of Jama giving a different but equally fantastical version of his encounter with the "gunman" on Page 3 of Kufr Club. This has him running, rather than falling down and hurting his left knee. — Poor Jama! He seems to be in a quandary over how to present himself, at a time when so many others are being hailed as exemplars of "preternatural courage in the face of certain death" — as Jane Clifton describes the mosque "shooting victims" in her Listener column of March 30, 2019. Watch the video on You Tube.

Mohamed Jama and an unidentified woman outside Al Noor Mosque

Bullet There are only two other people who are not fired at by the "gunman" during the "shooting" at Al Noor. One is "Thumbs-Up Man" (below left), who is now seen walking towards the rear of the mosque at 6:33. The other is the unknown person (below right) sitting in the silver car, registration FQH875, to the left of the mosque entrance, at 8:49. This is the car that drives off while the "gunman" is returning to the mosque after his trip back to his vehicle. As the silver car enters the road, it knocks over the traffic cone that was placed there. — It is possible to speculate that all three people (or four people, if one includes the unidentified woman) are either accomplices or people who are in on the hoax. If "Thumbs-Up Man" is not an accomplice — if he is just an innocent member of the public — what is he doing wandering around to the rear of the mosque? If, on the other hand, he is an ordinary Muslim, we have to classify him as yet another "late arrival" — and one who is oddly off course.

Two people who were not fired at
• Watch the video of the car's mysterious disappearance. • View more pictures of the car on the dedicated page.

Where are Wasseim Alsati and his daughter Alen?

Bullet "The last thing Christchurch mosque shooting survivor Wasseim Alsati remembers before he lost consciousness is his daughter's tiny belly covered in blood. The New Zealand barber had a rare morning off on March 15, and he decided to spend it with his then-four-year-old girl Alen Daraghmih and take her to mosque with him. 'That was her first time in life to come with me to the mosque,' Alsati told As It Happens host Carol Off. But before they even got inside Al Noor, both father and daughter were shot and left for dead. Bystanders found them and drove them to hospital." — CBC Radio, April 15, 2019. See a radically different story here.

They are nowhere to be seen as the 'gunman' comes and goes during 'attack'

Views of mosque forecourt on first entry and first exit of gunman Views of mosque forecourt on second entry and second exit of gunman

Note that the silver car, shown to the right of the mosque's entrance in "First exit", is no longer there in "Second exit". It disappeared while the "gunman" was making his second entry to the mosque compound via the subsidiary gate to the left of the main gate (looking from the road). That's why his perspective is different as he approaches the mosque's entrance for the second time. One suspects the "gunman" was instructed to use the subsidiary gate for his second entry to avoid an embarrassing meeting between him and the car on its way out.

Alen in hospital bed

• But where, exactly, were Wasseim and Alen when they were allegedly shot? The above four pictures, taken from the alleged gunman's "live stream", show us what he saw as he entered and exited the mosque during his alleged shooting spree. And the father and daughter are nowhere to be seen in the immediate vicinity of the mosque during any of the "gunman's" comings and goings. In addition, the "live stream" shows that they were not, at any stage of the "shooting", on the public footpath outside the mosque. The only people the "gunman" encounters on the footpath are Mohamed Jama and the unidentified woman (see above). Furthermore, there are no "bystanders" anywhere near the mosque to mount a rescue operation. The colorful reports of wounded people/dead bodies lying all over the place, and being scooped up and rushed to hospital by Good Samaritans, are the inventions of scriptwriters and false witnesses. When the "gunman" eventually drives off, he leaves only two "bodies" — purportedly those of Ansi Alibava and Husna Ahmed (also see above).

William meets Alen

The picture on the right was reportedly taken on April 26, 2019, during what was described at the time as a visit by Prince William to Starship Children's Hospital in Auckland. It shows Wasseim sitting beside Alen, who looks remarkably well for someone who was reportedly flown to Auckland on March 15 with life-threatening injuries. She is also lucid enough — despite her reported brain damage — to ask William about his family. — I have heard a recording of a telephone conversation in which a person, apparently at Starship Hospital, says the hospital has no record of Alen being admitted. The information I have, which comes largely from Greg Hallett, is that Alen was admitted to Christchurch Hospital on March 15 and discharged at 4.20am on March 16. Meanwhile, her father was apparently admitted to Christchurch Hospital on March 15 and discharged at 6.40pm on March 17. My understanding is that, on March 15, he was working as a barber and did not go to the mosque at any time. According to Hallett, Alsati is also a Jordanian agent. At this stage, I can't confirm any of these claims.
• Alsati is mentioned here, in one of the most absurd stories to emerge from March 15.

Wasseim in bed

Adeeb Sami case: Glaring inconsistencies go unquestioned

In BBC video report, Ali says father took bullet There is a mention of Adeeb Sami — the jackass who couldn't stop laughing — in the introductory paragraphs above. Click here to view the video, if you missed it above. The Gulf businessman has a page dedicated to him here.

The National, UAE, says sons were shielded

In transcript from June 1, Ali doesn't mention father
In the above interview, Ali appears to have completely forgotten his script — the story he was supposed to tell about his father saving his life by "taking a bullet" for him. He is not a good liar. His body language is appalling. He gives every sign of feeling extremely uncomfortable, despite the reassuring smiles of other family members, including his mother, during the interview. Needless to say, he would not have forgotten this story if it had been true. It simply isn't possible for a person to forget such a profoundly moving experience. Interestingly, his older brother, Abdullah, has had nothing to say.

Stuff says son was shielded
• To read the above articles about Adeeb Sami, click on the respective images.

'Attack' Part 1: Anomalies from the mosque's hallway

Hallway anomalies
Picture No 1: The body in the entrance shows no sign of injury, despite supposedly having been hit by a shotgun blast only seconds earlier. The clothes have been pulled up over the face, presumably to prevent identification. According to the most popular version of the official narrative, the only person standing in the doorway was Daoud Nabi — he who greeted the "gunman" with the immortal words, "Hello, brother" (or "Welcome, brother").

Picture No 2: When the "gunman" enters the mosque, there is already an ammunition magazine on the floor in the hallway. This was presumably left there by accident, after a previous take of the video. Later, the "gunman" picks it up and clips it on to his weapon.

Picture No 3: As the gunman advances, he "fires" at a man crawling up the hallway. The man clearly has bare feet at this stage.

Picture No 4: As the "gunman" walks down the hallway, at the end of his first "shooting" spree, he passes the man on the floor, who now has blue socks on. Several analysts have noticed that the crisis actors involved in this "production" are not good at holding positions, and sometimes make small changes in the interests of comfort.

• The design of the carpet points in the direction of Makkah (Mecca).

'Attack' Part 2: Anomalies from the prayer hall 'shooting'

Gunman enters the prayer hall As the "gunman" enters the prayer hall, he initially turns to the left (see inset) — but not far enough to reveal the pre-positioned heap of "bodies" in the near corner. He then turns to the right, where there is another heap of pre-positioned "bodies" in the corresponding corner. There are also two standing men, one facing the back wall of the prayer hall (and thus away from the Qibla or direction of Makkah) and the other facing the front wall of the women's room (in which no women are seen). It's hard to tell what these two men are supposed to be doing, though I speculate above, in the section on Islamic practice, that the first man could be praying, albeit irregularly. The first man is sometimes referred to as "Invincible Man", as the "shots" fired at him appear to have no effect. He turns slightly to his left and strolls away.
Prayer hall anomalies
Picture No 1: This is the moment, at 8:33, when the gunman picks up the ammunition magazine mentioned above, clips it to his gun, and exits the mosque for the first time. Before doing this, he makes two excursions from the musallā into the hallway to reload. (His reason for reloading in the hallway is not clear.)

Picture No 2: At 10:59, after reentering the mosque, the "gunman" fires at close range into the heap of "bodies" in the corner to the right of the doorway. But a "shot" aimed at a "worshiper" wearing a white kufi (prayer cap) does nothing more than send the kufi flying — confirming that the "weapon" used is actually a replica airgun. See gif of action.

Picture No 3: As the "gunman's" GoPro camera pans around the prayer hall, it traverses the minbar (pulpit) several times, showing with reasonable clarity that there is no one hiding in it — contrary to the assertion of imam Gamal Fouda that he ducked down at the outset of the "shooting", and observed everything that transpired.

'Attack' Part 3: Anomalies from after the 'gunman' leaves

Bullet casings vanish in mid-air The above screenshot is from 8:58, when the "gunman" has left the mosque for the first time. See a gif of the action. After "firing" up and down the road at nothing discernible, he returns to his car, throws his gun to the ground, and takes the remaining gun from the already-open trunk. (Yes, it remains open during his first foray into the mosque.) He then heads back to the mosque, which he reenters via the subsidiary gate to the left of the main gate — as already noted.

Max Igan

Bullet In response to the above evidence, Max Igan has commented: "The claims of hoax and CGI are damage control. People are being played, and if they cannot get a bit of focus, learn to think for themselves and start reporting some real truth regarding this shooting, we are going to get totally screwed over this event. When properly examined, all evidence in the actual shooter's video suggests that this shooting was real, and claiming it's fake is one of the things that is going to be used to shut us all down."

On the other side of the argument, some of the most insightful comments on these anomalies have come from Allan C. Weisbecker, who first addressed the Christchurch "shootings" on March 17, 2019, in his blog post Extended Minds: "My other thought today is from what little looking I’ve done into the New Zealand shootings. As I say in a comment, it so far has all the tells of a flat-out hoax, i.e., no real crime scene photos (plus photos that look fake), a lack of verifiable details, interviews with unemotional ‘victims’ (shades of Sandy Hook), the immediate anti-gun rhetoric..."

On March 20, Weisbecker followed this up with Poof Goes the Airgun: "The New Zealand shooter was using an air rifle of some sort, which blows a puff on each shot, so it looks like a hit. The footage was so obvious a fake that I’ll not go into details. All you need see are the grabs showing the wall behind where the two main groups of ‘bodies’ lay. (See below.) No bullet holes. Most, if not all, of the shots would have gone through bodies and hit the wall, not to even mention misses — his ammo was not hollow point or ‘frangible’ (exploding). I didn’t bother to look up the specific type of weapon but it looked like a version of the AR-15. Doesn’t matter." — I'm inclined to agree with Weisbecker and his correspondent Todd, who "find it ridiculous that Igan blames just about every anomaly in the shooter’s footage on ‘low bandwidth.’ Yes, low bandwidth might ‘erase’ a bullet hole (on the wall, say) in one or two frames of tape, but it doesn’t erase them all in every frame."

Walls undamaged by shooting
In falso-flag terror events, fake bloodstains are often added to white clothing for the sake of effect. Click here for a video analysis of the top heap of "bodies", in which a real person raises a hand to shield his face from the blast of air. There is also a hand that moves in the bottom heap of bodies, seemingly to provide comfort or reassurance. See here.

The mysterious case of the dummy in the gutter that later loses its head

Gunman fires at two women in black exiting the mosque compound

Series of three pictures of body in gutter Picture No 1:This is purportedly the body of Indian student Ansi Alibava — one of the two women in black "shot" by the gunman as they exited the mosque compound via the side gate. A voice is heard pleading, "Help me! Help me!" as the "gunman" approaches the "body", which is lying in the gutter in front of the entrance to the alley in which he has parked his car. Note the awkwardly crossed legs, with the feet facing away from each other. Note, too, that someone has removed the shoes and placed them beside the body. This is reminiscent of the Masonic Rite of Discalceation, and is often seen at the scenes of false-flag terrorist attacks. It could thus be viewed as the "calling card" of the real perpetrators, albeit an esoteric one.

Picture No 2: At 12:07 the "gunman" fires the first of two "shots" at the "body", directly or indirectly causing a blood squib in the right sleeve to discharge.

Picture No 3: The "gunman" fires the second "shot", making the hair fly and apparently dislodging some of it.

Nathan Smith consoles headless body in gutter • Nathan Smith is des-
cribed in a BBC article of March 20, 2019, as a "father of three, originally from Poole in Dorset". Smith is quoted as saying that, after he escaped from the mosque, he found a young woman lying in the road beside the mosque. "I can see she's been shot so I crouch down and try to roll her over...I didn't know her name and I don't know where she's from at the time. I'm just holding her, I don't know why but I'm stroking her back — she's already dead."

If Ansi is dead, how did she really die? If she is alive, what is in the coffin in the picture below?

The picture to the left was found on the Facebook page of Al Noor Mosque shortly after March 15, 2019.

Crisis actors defile alley crime scene
Crisis actors congregate in the alley, where they receive instructions from a police handler. Meanwhile, the "body" — purportedly that of Ansi Alibava — lies where it was "shot", totally ignored for the time being. This defilement of the area is further evidence that this is not a real crime scene. The photographer was Mark Baker, AP Southeast Asia photo editor, who just happened to be in Christchurch at the time. See the video below.

Crisis actors defile alley crime scene
The crisis actors continue to mill around, chatting or working their phones. They look like commuters waiting for a bus to arrive. The man with the ID tag, who appears to be lost in thought, is probably an operation manager. The man in the yellow kufi (prayer hat) to the right is Al Noor imam Gamal Fouda, a former Egyptian primary school teacher.

Crisis actors regroup in Hagley Park for further instructions from police

Crisis actors get further orders in Hagley Park Al Noor imam Gamal Fouda raises a pensive finger to his mouth (center right, wearing a blue robe), while a police handler tells the crisis actors what they have to do next. Everyone remains completely unemotional.

Panoramic view showing where two bodies were found
This puts everything into perspective. Al Noor Mosque is in the background; the alley, where the "body" of Ansi Alibava was found, is in the near distance; and closest to the camera is a red "X", where the "body" of Husna Ahmed was found. As pointed out elsewhere, the latter has to be the "body" of Husna because she is the only other alleged female fatality at Al Noor. Remember, too, that the official narrative has Husna being shot on entering the mosque to search for her husband.

Ansi Alibava's body arrives in Kerala

Introducing Mark Baker, photographer of March 15
Jacinda loves you, go to sleep

The mystery of the windshield undamaged by three shots fired through it

Windshield apparently undamaged by shots fired through it
After the "gunman" drives away from Al Noor Mosque, ostensibly in the direction of Linwood Islamic Center, he fires three shots through the windshield of his car, apparently without damaging the glass. He then fires through the side window to his left at two men walking through the carpark of the Argyle Motel on Deans Avenue. (These are the Muslims who are described as "running late" for the Salat al-Jumu'ah or Friday Prayer.) In this instance, the glass is shattered.

Screenshot from Argyle Motel's CCTV footage
Above, in a screenshot from CCTV footage from the Argyle Motel, a man flees as he comes under fire from the "gunman's" car. In this footage, the "gunman" sounds his car horn. But in the "live stream" of the attacks, the horn is not sounded. Furthermore, the sound of gunfire in this video is different, being much louder and far more dramatic — like that of a fully automatic weapon. Below, the car, a Subaru Outback, is rammed by the police in Brougham Street, and then trucked away. According to the official narrative, this action occurs after the attack on Linwood Islamic Center.

Rammed car looks different from car carted away
The above picture on the right is often cited as "proof" the car's windshield was damaged. But do these pictures show the same car? Are their colors identical? How do the two backgrounds compare? Are there any bullet holes in the windshield of the vehicle on the left? Was the arrest of the "rag doll" by two "heroic" police officers (partly obscured by a censor's airbrush in this picture) just part of the "training exercise" — until the exercise "went live"?

Windshield analysis video

Not a drop of blood to be seen on any of the victims taken to hospital

Victim on gurney flashes finger of tawhid
There are two things to be noted in the above picure: (1) This man is not being loaded into the ambulance at the entrance to the mosque, or even at the entrance to the mosque compound, but at the entrance to the alley — where the "body" of Ansi Alibava formerly lay. And incredibly, (2) They have somehow managed to work Ansi's sneakers into the frame (see bottom left). On the face of things, this doesn't make any sense. But it must, for some inscrutable reason, have suited their purposes.

Stretcher case Judging from the wall and the pillar in the background, this photograph was taken close to Palazzo Lane — on the same side of Deans Avenue, but about 20 metres in the opposite direction. Click here for more pictures of "casualties".

Right and center: Temel Ataçocuğu points to where he was hit by a bullet...

What would have really happened to Temel Atacocugu if he had been hit by a bullet
...and, left, what would have happened to Temel if he had really been hit by a bullet. (Suicide attempt with a service rifle.)
Temel gives false testimony

Bullet "On March 15, 2019, Temel Ataçocuğu was praying in the Al Noor Mosque in Christ-
church. He heard gunshots and turned to lock eyes with the gunman. He saw a puff of smoke from the rifle and then felt a bullet hit his teeth. It was the first of nine bullets to tear through his body." So begins a Frank documentary on a "survivor" of the mosque shooting who has, at times, appeared to be a spokesman for his peers. But needless to say, his story is a load of fanciful nonsense. At the moment the "gunman" enters the musallā, no one is praying — with the possible exception of "Invincible Man", who is seen standing and facing the back wall. Apart from the two heaps of pre-positioned "bodies" in the two rear corners, plus a few other "bodies", the hall is largely empty.

• In the first picture above, Temel shows the documentary's interviewer where he was kneeling and praying, in relation to the hallway of Al Noor. The only problem is that the "live stream" of the "attack" shows there was no one in this position (see the picture below). In the second picture above, Temel claims congregants were screaming "Allahu Akbar". But in reality, no such screams are heard in the video. All we hear is a culturally incongruous groaning and maundering.

Where is Temel in this picture?

• At 6:56, the "gunman" reaches the threshold of the prayer hall. At this point, according to Temel's testimony, we should see Temel kneeling directly in front of the "gunman" and turning to "lock eyes" with him. In reality, we see (1) a "body" to the left, already lying face-down, and (2) an indeterminate black shape to the right. Both are motionless. And remarkably, there is no one in the area in front of the mihrab (the niche that indicates the Qibla).

• When considering the number of "wounded", one must also consider the possibility — perhaps probability — that some people are capitalizing on pre-existing injuries or infirmities, and claiming that these are a result of the "attack" on March 15, 2019. The testimonies of such people, and any "evidence" they supply, should be closely examined for anomalies. See Temel Ataçocuğu lets the cat out of the bag. See also Temel's "leg wound", proudly displayed on his dedicated page.

Is this a deadly weapon or just a 'noise-making stick'?

Analysis of the shooters gun

"Noise-making stick" is the description of Jim Fetzer — one of the many knowledgeable people (mainly Americans) who have analyzed the "shooting" in and around Al Noor Mosque and concluded that the "weapon" is actually a replica airgun of a type readily available in the United States. Such guns, which are manufactured to look and feel like real firearms, are powered by a cartridge of CO2 that fits neatly into the stock (see below), and shoot blanks, bbs (metallic spherical projectiles) and pellets. Because these are much cheaper than live rounds, replica airguns "are often used in place of their live-fire counterparts for ease of training and extra target practice" (Airgun Depot). The dealer adds: "It is often hard to tell the difference between the live-fire version and the replica gun. The markings, weight, and action are often identical." — In New Zealand, there has been much agonizing over the fact alleged gunman Brenton Tarrant was granted a firearms licence in November 2017 without being subjected to the usual regulatory regime. However, this fact is not necessarily germane to the events of March 15, 2019. In other words, the shooter's possession of a firearms licence did not determine the nature of the equipment he deployed at Al Noor Mosque, and could be no more than a decoy topic to keep official investigators of the case preoccupied.

Cartridge in shooter's airgun For more information on the AR-15 and the effect its (live-fire) bullets have on the body, go to the dedicated page.

Evidence of Masonic/occult influence in the 'shootings'

John Podesta with

Bullet The fish and the number 14, displayed above on the palms of John Podesta, both appear on the weapon shown in the previous section of this presentation. Podesta, a "swamp creature" who was Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in 2016, was in New Zealand on March 10, 2019, for a Global Progressives Event, and stayed until the day before the alleged shootings. While in the country, he warned that New Zealand was a "juicy target" for a major hack. — The wording on the image is not mine. The De-Occulting of John Podesta has further information.

The date of the Christchurch "bloodbath" — March 15 — is also significant. This is the Ides of March — a date associated with the assassination of Julius Caesar and ritual human sacrifice. Furthermore, March is the month of Ares (Mars in Roman mythology), the God of War who is typically accompanied by sons Deimos (representing Terror) and Phobos (representing Panic).

Finally, we should remember that (1) The shoes of alleged shooting victim Ansi Alibava were removed by unknown persons and placed beside her "body", possibly in imitation of the Masonic rite of discalceation, and (2) Jacinda Ardern was a Freemasons University Scholarship recipient in 2001. See OIA response to questions about Freemasons in the NZ Police.

• The AR-15, which the "gunman" allegedly used, takes a .223 Remington cartridge. 223 is the reverse of 322 — the number that appears in the insignia of the Skull and Bones secret society. — Just another coincidence? Publisher John Leonard has suggested that "Their little numerology game helps these psychopaths enjoy their work and laugh at us mere mortals". See also how the shooting in Texas on December 29, 2019, was at Church of Christ, White Settlement, Tarrant County.

Could 'Tarrant' have driven to Linwood in the time frame?

Map of Christchurch

Broken window in former KFC building

Bullet The short answer to the above question — from Christchurch residents, at any rate — appears to be "no" — despite claims to the contrary in the legacy media. The NZ Herald, for instance, has the "gunman" completing the trip in only six minutes, between 1.46pm and 1.52pm. According to the Herald, he then spends only three minutes shooting up Linwood Islamic Center and dodging Abdul Aziz's eftpos machine.

I have seen no evidence the "gunman", whoever he was, was at Linwood at any stage. The broken window (above), which has been shown repeatedly on television, was actually in the adjacent former KFC premises, and had nothing to do with the Islamic center. The policeman comforting the Muslim man must have known that. Click on the above map or here to return to the earlier discussion of predictive programming and timeline issues.

YouTube commentator rubbishes timeline

The other timeline issue: Apparently premature reports in the news media

Premature report by Australia's Nine News

• Reminiscent of the BBC's premature announcement of the collapse of Building 7 on 9/11 were several news reports of the Christchurch "terror attacks" a day or more before the actual events.

Timelines like the one immediately above should not be uncritically accepted, as they can easily be faked or published in error. But in view of precedent, plus the phenomenon of "predictive programming", they should at least be noted. Also remarkable are these Google search results, which reportedly made a brief appearance online before March 15. There is also a video here.

Jacinda Ardern tweet with different timelines
When I republished the tweet on the left on a previous version of this page, and pointed out that no shooting was reported before 1.40pm on March 15, 2019, "FTGBS" responded by reposting the tweet on the right on Twitter/X and suggesting the timeline on the left was either faked or generated by a different time zone. (Time and date styles differ.)

• See also "Christchurch terrorist discussed attacks online a year before carrying them out, new research reveals", from The Conversation of February 20, 2024. — I don't know whether these postings fall into the category of "predictive programming", which would make them the work of the organizers of the Christchurch event, or whether "Tarrant" is the author of some, or all, of them.

Drama Part 2: Slapstick terror comes to Loony Linwood

Linwood imam Alabi Lateef Zirullah

Above: In one of the iconic photographs of March 15, Linwood Islamic Center imam Alabi Lateef Zirullah, a Nigerian, emerges from the center with melodramatic "bloodstains" covering his white robe. Meanwhile, his accomplice, whom I have dubbed Raspberry Juice Man, carries a half-empty bottle of a red liquid, and appears shocked to see a camera pointed at him — as well he might.

Below, center: In an earlier scene — a screenshot from the infamous video — Zirullah is seen carrying a jug, or similar vessel, containing a red substance. Note that in this shot he has only one "bloodstain", and that it is over his heart. This fact effectively demolishes the explanation that, although he was uninjured, he acquired some bloodstains while helping the wounded. Yes, if there had, indeed, been wounded people in the center, he might have picked up a few bloodstains by helping them, but not predominantly over his heart.

Below, inset: The blood squib on the floor can be seen only if one views the video frame by frame.

Below, right: One of the "gunman's" weapons, which has been identified as a Ruger AR-15, purportedly lies where it was abandoned on the floor of the center (as seen in an itvNews video). But it can't have been abandoned by the "gunman", as Abdul Aziz, the "hero" of Linwood, insists the "gunman" didn't enter the center at any stage of his "attack" (see this article from Sky News). This means that any gun found on the floor was placed there by someone else — presumably by Aziz, after he chased the "gunman" and picked up one of the two weapons he claims were abandoned by the "gunman". (Aziz says that, at the outset of his pursuit, he picked up a shotgun. But the Stuff article cited below says it was the "Uberti .357 Magnum level-action rifle" that the gunman began his attack with.) This also means — if one accepts Aziz's testimony — that any persons shot inside the center were shot through a window — presumably the broken window we have been shown on television, which is actually in the adjacent former KFC building (as seen above).

• As if to prove that there is no consistency in the testimonies of "survivors", Syed Mazharuddin says here that the "gunman" did enter Linwood Islamic Center. This Stuff article also has the "gunman" entering the center and dropping his second gun there, i.e. the AR-15 he retrieved when he made an interim dash back to his car — in much the same way as he made an interim dash back to his car at Al Noor. Meanwhile, Abdul Aziz claims this weapon was also discarded outside the center. Confused yet? Untangling all these lies (perverse taqiyya?) is enough to drive one to drink — not the most Islamic of solaces.

Imam carrying jug of red material

Linwood hero's tall tale ends with his arrest in a nearby supermarket carpark

Abdul Aziz mugshot Abdul Aziz under arrest in carparkAbdul Aziz, the "hero" who reportedly hurled an eftpos machine at the "gunman", says he (Aziz) was later ar-
on suspicion he was the offender. Right: We see him protesting to a policeman in the carpark of nearby Value Mart, where he was (accord-
ing to his story) searching for water for a dying "shooting victim". But can anything this bruiser says be believed?

Why did the Muslims desecrate their places of worship?

Tehran Times masthead Excerpts from an interview with Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy who regularly answers questions for the Tehran Times.

Q. The attack on a mosque in New Zealand by an alleged white supremacist appears to have many questionable aspects. In broad terms, what do you think happened?

A. A careful analysis of all available information, including a complete technical as well as military analytic review of the full video tape, suggests that this was a false flag event. We need Muslim and US white nationalist investigators on the ground to determine if anyone actually died, all indications are that no one died, this appears to have been a completely staged event managed by the Mossad in complicity with corrupt New Zealand police and national authorities, and corrupt Freemasons. Let me point out that most Freemasons are honest decent people. I believe the Chinese Freemasons particularly are intent on the future of Freemasonry to be about the good of all, and this apparent crime against humanity by New Zealand Freemasons should see them cast out of the international order.

Q. Before I ask for specific reasons why you challenge the official narrative – that a lone white man killed at least fifty Muslims and wounded at least 50 more mostly Muslims – let me ask about motive. Assuming you are correct and this was a staged event followed by immediate global censorship to block common sense challenges, what was the purpose of this event?

Robert David Steele A. I am so glad you asked that, because my answer could help to
unite Muslims everywhere with white nationalists in the USA and perhaps in other countries. This event was designed with two objectives. The first is to demonize white nationalists who support President Donald Trump, and to set the stage for disarming them in violation of the US Constitution by using a flood of new "red flag"
laws that the Deep State is attempting to push through in the USA. Just as the Zionists assassinated John F. Kennedy Junior to clear
the way for Hillary Clinton to buy her Senate seat in New York, they are seeking here to help the Democrats defeat President Trump in 2020. My colleague Scott Bennett, a former US Army psychologi-
cal warfare officer, has published a useful analysis of objectives and tactics for this event.

In New Zealand, where the government is a mix of good — criticizing Zionist Israel — and bad — seeking to confiscate weapons — this false flag event is clearly being used as a deception to justify the disarming of the public.

Q. Isn’t it far-fetched to think that Muslims themselves would participate in a false flag event desecrating their own mosque?

A. You raise a very important point, and this is one of the reasons I want a Muslim investigative team on the ground as soon as possible. In my experience most Muslims are very eager to accommodate the authorities and demonstrate that they have assimilated and are loyal to their adopted country. I strongly suspect the participants were given incentives they could not refuse and their participation was demanded as a condition of their continuing to enjoy unencumbered residency in New Zealand.              The full interview can be read here.

Bullet My guess is that, initially, the Muslims were asked to participate in the police mass-casualty training exercise, and that, when the exercise "went live", they were no longer able to back out. Now they are trapped in a lie that is "too big to fail", since the credibility of all concerned, including the nation, is at stake. That's why both they and the authorities ignore the issues, base their case entirely on the emotional testimonies of "survivors" and "rescuers", and dismiss any challenges to the official narrative as "conspiracy theories". In this way, with the connivance of a complicit media, an amateurish smoke-and-mirrors show is able to masquerade as reality.

Diary of events that followed the arrest of the suspect

March 26, 2019: The Government announces a royal commission of inquiry into the "Christchurch terror attacks", and promises that it will "leave no stone unturned" in its attempt to "get to the bottom of how the terrorism occurred". See here.

April 11, 2019: "New Zealand shooting video wasn’t ‘gruesome’ enough to flag, says Facebook," is the headline at today.

August 25, 2019: Royal commission member Jacqui Caine addresses the Islamic Women's Council of New Zealand.

February, 2020: The Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) publishes its submission to the royal commission. This describes InfoWars as "a website run by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones", cites the Network Contagion Research Institute and the ADL Center on Extremism, and repeatedly refers to the "rules-based international order". So it's not surprising to find FIANZ condemning Russia for its alleged "strategic objectives of destabilising the international order; discrediting the global liberal hegemony by challenging the 'internal coherence' of open societies; weakening NATO; and disintegrating the European Union". Poor Russia! One might have expected it to receive a little credit for saving Syria from the jihadists. And one might have thought that FIANZ would remember what NATO did to Afghanistan.

March 26, 2020: Tarrant today changed his plea to guilty, and was automatically convicted. There will thus be no trial — and no scrutiny of the alleged shootings' glaring anomalies, which have been airbrushed out of history. A report on the day's events is here. The judge's minute of the court hearing is here. Meanwhile, the reader should note that this guilty plea — which was extremely convenient for the Ardern regime — came on the first day of the national lockdown (ostensibly) designed to halt the spread of COVID-19.

July 6, 2020: The Islamic Women's Council says there was a threat to burn a Qur'an outside a mosque on the day of the Christchurch "shootings". Another "incredible coincidence"?

July 13, 2020: Tarrant today dismissed his lawyers, and said he would represent himself at the sentencing hearing.

August 27, 2020: The sentencing report of Justice Cameron Mander. For some of the discrepancies between this and the evidence of the "live stream" of the "attack", see Kufr Club.

December 8, 2020: The royal commission issues its report. This examines and discusses only the events leading up to the "terrorist attack". Click here for an NZHerald article on the commission's report.

October 21, 2021~ : Chief Coroner Judge Deborah Marshall confirms she has opened a coronial inquiry into the Christchurch mosque "shootings".  Return to top of page

Footnote: The witch hunt is on: See "Christchurch mosque attack: Up to 14 years' jail for video sharers as Commissioner asks Facebook to give police names" at The article by Chris Keall, dated March 19, 2019, begins: "Chief Censor David Shanks has officially classified the full 17-minute video of the fatal Christchurch shootings which occurred on Friday 15 March, as 'objectionable' — meaning it is banned. That raises the prospect of a fine of up to $10,000 or up to 14 years' jail for anyone who shares the clip — and this morning, Privacy Commissioner John Edwards called on Facebook to share names with police. It is an offence to share this material as soon as it is produced, and the timing of the official classification does not affect the ability of police and enforcement agencies to prosecute offences under the Films, Videos & Publications Classification Act 1993, Shanks says. "Facebook should be notifying the police of the account names of people who have shared this content," Edwards told RNZ this morning. "It's not a conflict I think because at the core there is a very egregious offence to the dignity and the rights to privacy of the victims." Actually, you would hard-pressed to identify anyone in the video. Those who have viewed it say all the "bodies" are (conveniently?) face-down. Meanwhile, one wonders why viewing the film of the Kennedy assassination is not a "very egregious offence to the dignity and the right to privacy of the late president". It is hard to escape the conclusion that the elite, in this case, are (a) trying to hide something, and (b) trying to infantalize and criminalize the entire population, to lock us all into a state of ignorance, subservience and fear. This is the new feudalism, which surveillance technology will make more sinister than the last. See the Philip Arps case.  Return to top of page  Go to next page

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